Adult Bible Study Programs
Adult Bible Study is the opportunity for members and visitors to further their study of God’s Word by meeting on Sunday mornings during the same time as Sunday School, which is from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The Adult Bible Studies are conducted by the pastor and consist of the studying of a particular Book of the Bible or a topic of interest to the class.
Ladies' Bible Study and Men's Bible Study groups are also offered during the week.
Bible Informational Class
The Bible Information Class is an opportunity for individuals, especially non-members, to learn what we as a Lutheran Church believe and teach according to the Scriptures.
The classes are designed to help individuals learn in an informal setting what God’s Word has to say to them about eternal salvation.
These classes are non-committal, yet, they are a way for individuals to become communicant members of Trinity.
Members and non-members alike are encouraged and welcomed to attend these classes. If you would like more information about the class or would like to attend a class, please contact Pastor Pappenfuss (734-429-4710)
Our regular worship service schedule is every Sunday at 9:00 am with Communion Services held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
Our Summer schedule starts on Memorial Day weekend and runs through Labor Day weekend. We offer an extra opportunity to hear God's Word on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm with the regular Sunday worship service still at 9:00 am. Communion Services are held on the Thursday night before the Communion Service on Sunday.